
Looking for large group content? I offer workshops, keynote addresses, and large group facilitation for universities, small businesses, corporations, and non-profit organizations looking to support their students, interns, or working professionals in the skills needed to flourish. See below for a list of workshop topics, or reach out to request something unique to your audience and their needs.

Interns & Working Professionals

  • College employers describe responsibility, accountability, and dependability as a crucial set of skills required for personal and professional success, but few young professionals find a system to practice this well. Instead, most use complicated calendars, apps, and systems that leave them forgetful, burnout, and disorganized. Instead of using this haphazard approach, data suggest that implementing a simple system of routines and habits is crucial to creating an organized life, lowering stress, and staying focused. Join us for this interactive session to learn how you can become "impeccably dependable," ensuring your calendar, to-do list, and daily routine can be trusted to match your priorities without fear of missed deadlines or commitments. Looking for a life of less stress and less hot mess? Join us to learn how.

    Audience: High school students, college students, interns, young professionals

  • Join us to learn the concept of “confident humility” as an intern or or entry-level employee, where we'll explore the question: how can you develop confidence without arrogance, and coach-ability without insecurity? Research indicates that balancing these attributes as a young professional is one of the most difficult skills to master in early adulthood. How do you show up with confidence in yourself and your experience while also recognizing that you're likely the least experienced professional in the room? How do you yield to the context and authority of those who've had a longer history with your organization without apologizing for what you don't know? In this interactive workshop, you'll learn how to communicate effectively, build your genuine confidence, and develop strategies to handle the inevitable mistakes and challenges that arise when you're new to the job and the learning curve is high. Leave with an understanding of how to approach being the youngest or newest member of a professional setting with sincere confidence and the humility to be coachable.

    Audience: College students, interns, young professionals

  • Most young professionals begin the transition to post-college life with student debt, a job search, and anxiety about their personal finances, but few are given tangible tools to address the financial overwhelm that occurs after graduation. Join us for this session to learn four budgeting strategies that build healthy financial habits in your early twenties, and learn how budgeting gives you permission to both spend and save money in a way that aligns with your personal values and priorities. Utilizing "You Need a Budget" software, students will leave this session with an actionable budget template and six habits to make it sustainable.

  • Our current landscape requires young adults to juggle a wide variety of responsibilities as they transition from college academics to full-time work. Research tells us that personal wellbeing is crucial to navigate this transition, but we often ignore the simple habits and skills that equip us to lead ourselves and others well. Utilizing mental health resources, academic research, and current trends, join this interactive session to learn ten evidence-based strategies that can improve your personal wellbeing and professional productivity as a student, intern, or young professional.

  • We often focus on building professional skills in public speaking, collaboration, strategic thinking, and organization, but how do we practice the skills it takes to navigate conflict, tension, and disagreement at work? How do we stay true to ourselves and show up in ways aligned with our values when tensions are high, feelings are hurt, or difficult emotions arise? Is productive conflict possible, and if so, how do we practice it? Join us for this session to learn more about the dynamics of conflict, identify your personal values, and build a conflict mission statement to reference in times of high stress or tension at work. In addition, we'll cover the art of apologies, and practice four steps to apologize well when you mess up, miscommunicate, or jump to conclusions as a working professional.

  • It's hard to make an impact when we can't communicate well. As journalist Celeste Headlee says, "Most of us learn how to talk, but we never gain training on how to listen." Celeste describes communication, in public settings and private conversation, as the single most important and under-utilized skill for personal and professional success. From work happy hours to family vacation, how do you take genuine interest in others and make people feel understood; colleagues at work, clients you serve, and people you love? How might better conversational skills improve your professional presence, emotional intelligence, and ability to accomplish your goals? Join this session to learn five strategies to become a better conversationalist, and practice three steps to speak with more confidence when the stakes feel high.

Students & Parents

  • At the age of 18, young adults are asked to choose a college, a major, and a career path based on limited data and little context, all in a relatively short time frame. Many students describe feeling overwhelmed about making these decisions, particularly when they’ve only been exposed to a narrow window of possible career paths and campus settings. In this workshop session, we'll explore two frameworks to approach big decision making with a thoughtful, values-based approach when the stakes feel high. Through reflective questions, discussion, and activities, you'll learn a five-step process that eliminates unnecessary decision fatigue, and ensures your choices about where to go and what to study align with your values, even when you can’t predict what’s ahead.

  • Most high school graduates report feeling ill-equipped to handle the academic rigor of college. Join me for this session, where we'll take inventory of your academic strengths, weaknesses, and strategies to ace your classes and build a strong GPA on campus. We'll review specific study techniques, time management strategies, and opportunities to practice content memorization, comprehension, and application. From multiple choice exams to qualitative papers, you'll be prepared to study with efficiency and submit high-quality work through your assignments and exams.

  • Full time jobs, college internships, and scholarship programs all require students to explain what talents, skills, or attributes set them apart, but how can you articulate your unique gifts without sounding like everyone else? Utilizing college employment data, recruiter insight, and practical strategies, this session provides students the chance to identify their unique talents, and practice explaining how those attributes give them a unique advantage in their chosen field of study. Join us to take the HighFive assessment and learn how you can describe your gifts and skills in a way that feels genuine, sincere, and compelling. Participants will leave with an answer to the question, "what will we miss out on if you're not hired for this role?" Join us for this interactive session to learn more.

  • For most students and families, the transition from high school to college marks the first significant milestone in early adulthood, and creates a noticeable shift in family dynamics. As a parent or guardian, how can you approach this transition in a way that best supports your child as they leave the nest? Data suggests that healthy communication, proactive expectation-setting, and proper planning can ease the stress of this transition for everyone involved, and can provide noticeable benefits to your student's emotional resilience and well-being as they depart for college. Join us for this interactive session to learn current trends, common mistakes, and actionable strategies that will help you support your high school student, and your family, as you prepare for their college launch together.

  • Current data suggests that today’s college student faces new and pressing challenges as they work toward their degree. Join us for this session to learn more about national trends in college student life, and how the approach and behaviors of parents, employers, and supervisors can make a unique impact to support their Gen Z students in the most effective ways possible.

Interested in booking Kristin to facilitate a large group workshop?